Legal notice

Law firm
Kroher Strobel
Rechts- und Patentanwälte PartmbB

Legal form
Partnership with Limited Professional Liability

Amtsgericht München (Munich Local Court)
Partnerschaftsregister 1264 (Partnership register number)

Bavariaring 20
80336 Munich, Germany
Phone:+49 89 54 46 48-0
Fax: +49 89 54 46 48-48

VAT ID-no.
DE 176881241

Authorized representatives with responsibility for the content
Jochen Wächter
Ariane Hettenkofer
Karsten Caspary
Dr. Solveig Moré
Benedikt Berghofer

Code of conduct
The attorneys at law at Kroher Strobel are members of the Chamber of Attorneys for the district of the Munich Higher Regional Court, Tal 33, 80331 Munich and are subject to the Federal Lawyers Act (BRAO), the Lawyers’ Compens­ation Act (RVG), the Professional Code (BO) and the professional rules for lawyers of the European Union (CCBE).

These provisions and other information is available on the website of the Federal Chamber of Attorneys (in German only:

The patent attorneys at Kroher Strobel are registered in the list of patent attorneys admin­istered by the German Patent and Trade Mark Office and are also members of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys www.patent­ All German patent attorneys are subject to the German Law on Patent Attorneys (PAO) (Federal Law Gazette I, 1966, page 557, last amended by Federal Law Gazette I, 2015, page 2517) and the Patent Attorneys’ Code of Conduct (BOPA) (Memorandum 2014, 53). Our patent attorneys are also members of FICPI (International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys), and are subject to its code of conduct

The European Patent Attorneys at Kroher Strobel are registered at the European Patent Office and are members of epi (The Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office). They are subject to the epi Professional Code of Conduct (, as well as the disciplinary rules issued by the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation.

Our firm’s European Trademark and Design Attorneys are registered with EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office). They are subject to the provisions of the Council Directive on EU Trademarks and EU Designs.

Professional indemnity insurance
The law firm is insured with R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG, Raiffeisenplatz 1, 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany, with coverage compliant with the minimum requirements of Section 51a of the Federal Lawyers Act (BRAO) and Section 45a of the Federal Patent Attorneys Act (PAO).

Online Dispute Resolution website of the European Commission:

Note on liability with regard to links
Despite careful monitoring of contents, we cannot accept any liability for the content of external links. The linked sites are exclusively the responsibility of their operators. We herewith expressly disclaim all responsibility for the contents of the sites to which our site refers either directly or indirectly (e.g. by a link or by naming in the text)

Note on copyright
All objects and contents published on this site such as graphics, visuals, photographs and texts are protected by copyright. No repro­duction or use of any objects and contents visible or audible here in other electronic or printed publications is allowed without our express consent.

Orla Connolly has photographed the majority of pictures on this website. The photographs of Jochen Wächter, Solveig Moré, Hannah Eckermann and Nadja Hahner were taken by Philipp Ledényi, and the picture used as cover of the trademark section was gratefully made available by a client.

© Copyright 2017
Kroher Strobel
Rechts- und Patentanwälte PartmbB
All rights reserved.

Corporate design and website
Keller Maurer Design, Munich

Mic Brater, Munich